Forthcoming Books

Social Reproduction Theory: Gender as the Organizing Principle of Capital (Under contract at Verso Press)

Co-editor with Anne Alexander and Sameh Naguib, Islam and Capitalism in the Global South (Under contract at Haymarket Press)

With Nancy Fraser and Cinzia Arruzza, Feminism for the 99 per cent (Under contract with Verso Press)

Published Books

Social Reproduction Theory

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This groundbreaking collection explores the profound power of Social Reproduction Theory to deepen our understanding of everyday life under capitalism. While many Marxists tend to focus on the productive economy, this book focuses on issues such as child care, health care, education, family life and the roles of gender, race and sexuality, all of which are central to understanding the relationship between economic exploitation and social oppression.

In this book, leading writers such as Lise Vogel, Nancy Fraser, David McNally and Susan Ferguson reveal the ways in which daily and generational reproductive labour, found in households, schools, hospitals and prisons, also sustains the drive for accumulation. 

Presenting a more sophisticated alternative to intersectionality, these essays provide ideas which have important strategic implications for anti-capitalists, anti-racists and feminists attempting to find a path through the seemingly ever more complex world we live in.

Sentinels of Culture: Class, Education and the Colonial Intellectual in Bengal, Oxford University Press, 2005.

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Sentinels of Culture was published by Oxford University Press in 2005. The book looks at the co-constitutive relationship between processes of class formation and nation formation. The book focuses on a very specific aspect of the Bengali middle class’s social history: their obsessive preoccupation with culture and education Reviews.

Essays in Edited Volumes

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The volume explores how the British rule and colonial constructions of identity affected the Indians. It studies the impact of colonialism on Indian identity from the point of view that emphasizes disjunctures as much as continuities.  Chapter eight in this volume, by Tithi Bhattacharya, is concerned with interrogating the relationship between the actual social composition of the 'bhadralok' [in Bengal] and its perceived identity.  

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Focusing on the complicity of Israeli universities in maintaining the occupation of Palestine, and on the repression of academic and political freedom for Palestinians,  Against Apartheid, powerfully explains why scholars and students throughout the world should refuse to do business with Israeli institutions.  Chapter 23 in the volume by Tithi Bhattacharya and Bill V. Mullen traces the relationship between zionism and neoliberalism.  

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 In this volume Tithi Bhattacharya and Bill V. Mullen explore the difference between 'work' under capitalism and purposive and conscious labor that is intrinsic to humanity.